How to get from Porto San Giorgio to Monza by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Porto San Giorgio and Monza is 447 kilometers (277 miles).
Driving distance from Porto San Giorgio to Monza is 491 kilometers (304 miles)

Porto San GiorgioMonza
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Route Map

4 Ways from Porto San Giorgio (Italy/Marche) to Monza (Italy/Lombardia)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Via Guglielmo Marconi 56 m
2. Turn left onto Via Augusto Murri 37 m
3. Turn right onto Via della Libertà 68 m
4. Turn left onto Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, SS16 1.22 km
5. Turn right 1.08 km
6. Keep right 176 m
7. Keep right 456.62 km
8. Keep left onto Autostrada del Sole, A1 6.15 km
9. Continue onto Autostrada del Sole, A1 17.87 km
10. Keep right onto Tangenziale Nord di Milano, A52 5.34 km
11. Keep right 231 m
12. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Via Gerolamo Borgazzi 2.61 km
13. Continue onto Corso Milano 42 m
14. Turn left onto Via Alessandro Manzoni 370 m
15. Turn sharp right onto Via Antonio Locatelli 119 m
16. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Porto San Giorgio (Italy/Marche) to Monza (Italy/Lombardia)?
How do I get from Porto San Giorgio (Italy/Marche) to Monza (Italy/Lombardia) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Porto San Giorgio (Italy/Marche) to Monza (Italy/Lombardia)?