How to get from Cusco to Pucallpa by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Cusco and Pucallpa is 636 kilometers (394 miles).
Driving distance from Cusco to Pucallpa is 1464 kilometers (908 miles)
Route Map
Routes from cusco-cusco to pucallpa-ucayali
4 Ways from Cusco (Peru/Cusco) to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Portal de Carnes 74 m
2. Continue onto Calle Mantas 267 m
3. Turn right onto Santa Teresa 6 m
4. Turn left onto San Juan de Dios 129 m
5. Turn right onto Teatro 110 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Cusco (Peru/Cusco) to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)?
How do I get from Cusco (Peru/Cusco) to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Cusco (Peru/Cusco) to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)?
Trips from Cusco
CuscoPiscoCuscoMoyobambaCuscoCalamaCuscoChimboteCuscoLa PazCuscoMoqueguaCuscoSantiagoCuscoQuitoCuscoAvellanedaTrips to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)
JaujaPucallpaIcaPucallpaMoyobambaPucallpaAyacuchoPucallpaCajamarcaPucallpaTrujilloPucallpaPuerto MaldonadoPucallpaIquitosPucallpaParacasPucallpaOther interesting routes
ApurimacArequipaAyacuchoCuscoHuancavelicaMadre de DiosMoqueguaPunoMadre de DiosInformation about Stations
All station in Cusco (Peru/Cusco)
Cusco Alejandro Velasco Astete All station in Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)
Pucallpa International Airport Pucallpa