How to get from Chachapoyas to Pucallpa by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Chachapoyas and Pucallpa is 439 kilometers (272 miles).
Driving distance from Chachapoyas to Pucallpa is 1007 kilometers (624 miles)
Route Map
Routes from chachapoyas-amazonas to pucallpa-ucayali
4 Ways from Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas) to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Jirón Ayacucho 149 m
2. Turn left onto Jirón Ortiz Arrieta 591 m
3. Turn right onto Jirón Los Ángeles, AM-109 96 m
4. Continue onto Jirón Los Ángeles 94 m
5. Turn left onto Santo Domingo 2.98 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas) to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)?
How do I get from Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas) to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas) to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)?
Trips from Chachapoyas
ChachapoyasLimaChachapoyasChimboteChachapoyasPunoChachapoyasHuarazChachapoyasSullanaChachapoyasMendozaChachapoyasMoyobambaChachapoyasIquitosChachapoyasCajamarcaTrips to Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)
PacasmayoPucallpaCajamarcaPucallpaSatipoPucallpaLimaPucallpaIquitosPucallpaIcaPucallpaCuscoPucallpaMoyobambaPucallpaPuerto MaldonadoPucallpaOther interesting routes
AmazonasAncashCajamarcaLa LibertadLambayequePiuraSan MartinProvincia de Zamora ChinchipeInformation about Stations
All station in Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas)
Chachapoyas Airport Chachapoyas All station in Pucallpa (Peru/Ucayali)
Pucallpa International Airport Pucallpa