How to get from Davao City to Digos by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Davao City and Digos is 45 kilometers (28 miles).
Driving distance from Davao City to Digos is 54 kilometers (33 miles)

Davao CityDigos
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Route Map

Routes from davao-city-davao to digos-davao-del-sur

4 Ways from Davao City (Philippines/Davao) to Digos (Philippines/Davao del Sur)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 24 m
2. Turn left 64 m
3. Turn left onto San Pedro Street 701 m
4. Turn left onto Elpidio Quirino Avenue, 920 3.71 km
5. Make a U-turn onto McArthur Highway, 1, AH26 138 m
6. Turn right onto Kawayan Drive 915 m
7. Turn right onto BatangueƱo Street 433 m
8. Turn right onto Matina Aplaya Road 156 m
9. Turn left 1.62 km
10. Turn left onto Taal Road 260 m
11. Turn right 331 m
12. Turn left onto G. Ortiz Road 797 m
13. Turn right onto Talomo Road 479 m
14. Turn left onto Davao-Cotabato National Highway, 1, AH26 41.87 km
15. Keep left onto Digos Diversion Road, 923 1.95 km
16. Turn right onto Lapu-lapu East Extention 1.41 km
17. Turn left onto Jose Abad Santos Street 108 m
18. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Davao City (Philippines/Davao) to Digos (Philippines/Davao del Sur)?
How do I get from Davao City (Philippines/Davao) to Digos (Philippines/Davao del Sur) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Davao City (Philippines/Davao) to Digos (Philippines/Davao del Sur)?

Trips to Digos (Philippines/Davao del Sur)

Davao CityDigosGeneral SantosDigosTagum CityDigosQuezon CityDigos