How to get from SM City Cebu to Toledo by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between SM City Cebu and Toledo is 32 kilometers (20 miles).
Driving distance from SM City Cebu to Toledo is 50 kilometers (31 miles)

SM City CebuToledo
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Route Map

4 Ways from SM City Cebu (Philippines/Cebu) to Toledo (Philippines/Cebu)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 4 m
2. Turn right onto Kaohsiung Street 126 m
3. Turn right onto Sergio Osmeña Avenue, 840 1.26 km
4. Turn right onto General Maxilom Avenue Extension 838 m
5. Turn left onto Imus Avenue 4.46 km
6. Keep left onto Natalio Bacalso Avenue, 8 4.72 km
7. Keep right onto Natalio Bacalso Avenue 141 m
8. Turn right onto Rafael Rabaya Street, 825 25.44 km
9. Turn slight right onto Naga-Toledo Road, 81 11.72 km
10. Turn left onto Uling-Toledo Wharf Road, 81, 820 2.21 km
11. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from SM City Cebu (Philippines/Cebu) to Toledo (Philippines/Cebu)?
How do I get from SM City Cebu (Philippines/Cebu) to Toledo (Philippines/Cebu) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from SM City Cebu (Philippines/Cebu) to Toledo (Philippines/Cebu)?