How to get from Braga to Maia by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Braga and Maia is 39 kilometers (24 miles).
Driving distance from Braga to Maia is 49 kilometers (30 miles)
Route Map
Routes from braga-braga to maia-porto
4 Ways from Braga (Portugal/Braga) to Maia (Portugal/Porto)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Praça Municipal 27 m
2. Turn left onto Praça Municipal 161 m
3. Turn sharp left onto Praça Municipal 126 m
4. Turn right onto Rua Dom Frei Caetano Brandão 52 m
5. Continue onto Rua São Martinho 399 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Braga (Portugal/Braga) to Maia (Portugal/Porto)?
How do I get from Braga (Portugal/Braga) to Maia (Portugal/Porto) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Braga (Portugal/Braga) to Maia (Portugal/Porto)?
Trips from Braga
BragaEsposendeBragaVila Nova de GaiaBragaViseuBragaFigueira da FozBragaToursBragaAbrantesBragaQueluzBragaVila do CondeBragaLeiriaTrips to Maia (Portugal/Porto)
PortoMaiaHamburgMaiaBragaMaiaBarcelonaMaiaLisbonMaiaGuardaMaiaOurenseMaiaVila Nova de CerveiraMaiaFaroMaiaOther interesting routes
Viana do CasteloAveiroBragaBragancaGaliciaPortoViana do CasteloVila RealViseuInformation about Stations
All station in Braga (Portugal/Braga)
Braga Airport Braga All station in Maia (Portugal/Porto)
Porto Francisco de Sa