How to get from Aguilar de Campoo to Burgos by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Aguilar de Campoo and Burgos is 68 kilometers (42 miles).
Driving distance from Aguilar de Campoo to Burgos is 79 kilometers (49 miles)

Aguilar de CampooBurgos
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Route Map

Routes from aguilar-de-campoo-castilla-y-leon to burgos-castilla-y-leon

4 Ways from Aguilar de Campoo (Spain/Castilla y Leon) to Burgos (Spain/Castilla y Leon)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Plaza de España 348 m
2. Turn left onto Avenida de la Constitución 182 m
3. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Avenida Ronda, N-627 159 m
4. Continue onto Avenida Burgos, N-627 515 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 2 469 m
6. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto N-627 938 m
7. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto N-627 330 m
8. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto N-627 539 m
9. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto N-627 5.61 km
10. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto N-627 153 m
11. At roundabout, take exit 2 11.57 km
12. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto N-627 39.72 km
13. Keep left onto N-623 56 m
14. Keep right onto N-623 217 m
15. Continue onto N-627 - N-623, N-623, N-627 12.66 km
16. Keep right 905 m
17. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto A-73R 618 m
18. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Calle Laredo 618 m
19. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Calle Laredo 649 m
20. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Calle Laredo 538 m
21. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Calle Laredo 565 m
22. Keep right 338 m
23. Keep left 193 m
24. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Avenida Cantabria 355 m
25. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Avenida Cid Campeador 1.46 km
26. Enter roundabout 22 m
27. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Aguilar de Campoo (Spain/Castilla y Leon) to Burgos (Spain/Castilla y Leon)?
How do I get from Aguilar de Campoo (Spain/Castilla y Leon) to Burgos (Spain/Castilla y Leon) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Aguilar de Campoo (Spain/Castilla y Leon) to Burgos (Spain/Castilla y Leon)?