How to get from Santiago de Compostela to Segovia by rideshare, car, walk, bike, truck

Distance between Santiago de Compostela and Segovia is 425 kilometers (264 miles).
Driving distance from Santiago de Compostela to Segovia is 554 kilometers (343 miles)

Santiago de CompostelaSegovia
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Route Map

Routes from santiago-de-compostela-galicia to segovia-castilla-y-leon

5 Ways from Santiago de Compostela (Spain/Galicia) to Segovia (Spain/Castilla y Leon)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Avenida de Rodrigo de Padrón 7 m
2. Turn right onto Avenida de Rodrigo de Padrón 7 m
3. Turn left onto Avenida de Rodrigo de Padrón 209 m
4. Keep right onto Rúa do Campo da Estrela 59 m
5. Continue onto Avenida Xoán Carlos I 678 m
6. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Avenida de Romero Donallo 522 m
7. Keep right 178 m
8. Keep right onto Avenida de Antonio Fraguas 2.57 km
9. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto SC-11 135 m
10. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Autoestrada Central Galega, AP-53 323.58 km
11. Keep right 13.84 km
12. Keep left onto Autovía del Noroeste, A-6 74.48 km
13. Keep right onto Autovía de Castilla, A-62 21.97 km
14. Keep right 406 m
15. Keep right 6.75 km
16. Keep right 448 m
17. Keep right 101.70 km
18. Keep right 470 m
19. Continue onto CL-607 2.16 km
20. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto CL-607 990 m
21. Keep left onto SG-P-3121 1.31 km
22. Turn left onto Calle de San Marcos, SC-SG-10 67 m
23. Turn slight left onto Calle de San Marcos, SC-SG-10 1.14 km
24. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Paseo Santo Domingo de Guzmán, SC-SG-10 715 m
25. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Cuesta de San Juan 47 m
26. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Santiago de Compostela (Spain/Galicia) to Segovia (Spain/Castilla y Leon)?
How do I get from Santiago de Compostela (Spain/Galicia) to Segovia (Spain/Castilla y Leon) the fastest?
How do I travel from Santiago de Compostela (Spain/Galicia) to Segovia (Spain/Castilla y Leon) without a car?
How far is it from Santiago de Compostela (Spain/Galicia) to Segovia (Spain/Castilla y Leon)?
How long does it take to get from Santiago de Compostela (Spain/Galicia) to Segovia (Spain/Castilla y Leon)?