How to get from Salt Lake City to Etna by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Salt Lake City and Etna is 925 kilometers (574 miles).
Driving distance from Salt Lake City to Etna is 1276 kilometers (791 miles)

Salt Lake CityEtna
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Route Map

4 Ways from Salt Lake City (United States/Utah) to Etna (United States/California)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 97 m
2. Turn right onto 200 East 114 m
3. Turn right onto 500 South 1.94 km
4. Keep right 265.27 km
5. Continue onto I 80, US 93 ALT 562.63 km
6. Keep right 1.09 km
7. Keep right 144.97 km
8. Keep right 108 m
9. Turn slight right onto Feather Lake Highway, CA 44 73.76 km
10. Turn right onto CA 89 124.69 km
11. Keep right 58.92 km
12. Keep right onto I 5 Business 329 m
13. Keep left onto I 5 Business 31 m
14. Turn left onto Moonlit Oaks Avenue, I 5 Business 228 m
15. Turn left onto Fort Jones Road, CA 3 42.01 km
16. Continue onto Collier Way 580 m
17. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Salt Lake City (United States/Utah) to Etna (United States/California)?
How do I get from Salt Lake City (United States/Utah) to Etna (United States/California) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Salt Lake City (United States/Utah) to Etna (United States/California)?

Trips to Etna (United States/California)

ColumbusEtnaOhioEtnaOhioEtnaChicagoEtnaSalt Lake CityEtna